Thanks for choosing Wedde and Sons for your parts needs. We do business the “old school” way like the old school tractors we love. All calls go to a land line phone and emails to a...
John Deere 630 breather tube, $20.00
Carb intake A5583R, $20.00
John Deere 630 fan shaft tube, shaft and both couplers. Coupler splines are tight, $100.00
John Deere 630 fan shroud, $20.00
John Deere 630 oil or transmission filler caps, $10.00 each
John Deere 630 flywheel nut and roll pin, $10.00
Delco Remy 12 volt generator 1100309 with both mounting brackets removed from a non-running John Deere 630 tractor, $150.00
John Deere 630 lower coolant pipe assembly, $25.00
John Deere 630 power steering gear box assembly removed from a non-running tractor, $200.00
John Deere 630 PTO pedal assembly, $25.00
John Deere 630 pulley guard, $25.00
John Deere 630 rear rim clamp package. All 16 rear rim clamps, 16 nuts and whatever bolts are good, $75.00
John Deere 630 rocker assembly with push rods removed from a non-running tractor, $25.00
John Deere 630 rocker cover with vent tube, $15.00
John Deere 630 rocker arm spacer nuts, $10.00 for the pair
John Deere 630 throttle lever assembly, $25.00
John Deere 630 upper coolant pipe assembly, $25.00
John Deere 630 upper intake, $25.00